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Transition Age Youth (TAY) Data

UCB_TAY (TAY Derived File)

The Transition Age Youth (TAY) file includes all children who were in out-of-home care at some point Age 16-17 (16th through 18th birthdays, inclusive) (excluding children who only have a responsible agency of 'Mental Health' (6133), 'Private Adoption' (36), or 'KinGAP' (6134) or whose only placement was in a guardian home with Non-Dependent Legal Guardian Authority for Placement). To be included in the file, the youth’s out-of-home placement episode had to begin on or before their 18th birthday and end on or after their 16th birthday. Youth who died before their 18th birthday are excluded from the file. For reporting, youth are included in the calendar year in which they turn 18 years old.

The file provides demographic and placement information, including sex at birth, race/ethnicity, age at first entry, length of stay in care by age 18, as well as information on youth’s last out-of-home placement and predominant placement type before their 18th birthday. The file also characterizes the youth's last known placement status at specific follow-up ages through age 23. Additionally, the file allows links to annual Employment and Postsecondary Education Data to create variables that characterize youth’s outcomes through age 23.

Revision History (most recent first)


  1. File created.